January 2019 has been busy, but so wonderful!
Yoga Teaching
I’ve taught 32 Yoga classes already this month! It’s been lovely welcoming new faces to my local classes, helping 6th formers start their ‘humpday’ in a positive way and seeing the Hotpod Yoga community continue to grow.
Time to relax
With the short, cold and dark days, January for me is a time to slow down and enjoy the simple things, like reading a good book and cuddling on the sofa! Whilst I am super busy juggling two jobs, I have managed to find time to have a long, Lush bath each week, take short walks in nature and enjoy delicious matcha lattes and tasty home-cooked vegan food.
New Years Resolutions
I thought it might be nice to take a look at the resolutions I set for 2019…as expected I’ve not managed to keep too many of them!
- To dedicate at least 1 hour a week to my Yoga business: This one I am doing really well at! I’ve been viewing new venues, looking into potential retreat spaces, expanding my class sizes etc!
- To stick to my morning routine: This is not going so well! Ideally, I’d like to get up at 6.00, drink a full glass of lime water and do yoga and meditation. However, I am so tired after teaching all day and going to the gym/teaching in the evenings that when the alarm goes off, I curl up to my hubby and fall right back to sleep till his alarm goes off at 7! This one is a work in progress!
- To get outside in nature for at least 30 mins a week: I’m just about managing this one – I love a weekend walk with my hubby
- To Yoga / Meditate as much as possible (aiming for daily): I’ve manded 23/31 days of yoga and only 16/31 days of meditation!
- To be mindful of how my thoughts, words and actions impact people, the environment and the planet: I’m really trying hard with this one! I have started using packaging free shampoo, conditioner and shower gel and have joined apps that help reduce food waste. But one of the best things I’ve done this month is started to use a menstrual cup (organi cup) . I can’t imagine how much waste is created through feminine hygiene products that are disposed of each month and this cup will now last me the rest of my life! It’s actually been quite empowering to take charge of my period and I really recommend giving it a go!
- Be present and take time to enjoy the simple things: See what I wrote above – I am really working on this
- To be more mindful of my social media use: This is a big one for me. I often find myself scrolling through Facebook / Instagram and constantly checking back for notifications/updates. I’d like to get to a stage where I only use these platforms with purpose and intention. This is something I am going to focus on in Feb
Feb looks like a month of madness! There’s a week full of our school production Les Miserables, I’m co-teaching a Heart Opening Workshop, I have the first Yoga Brunch of 2019 and I’ll be checking out a Sober Rave in London!
How has your January been? Did you make any resolutions? Have you made progress with them? I’d love to hear from you