My Sunday morning Yogis completed yet another 6 week block of Yoga classes last week! It has been wonderful seeing some of the ‘regulars’ develop their practice, as well as welcoming some new Yogis. Despite the snow, and freezing cold starts in the dance studio, these wonderful ladies join me each Sunday morning to move their bodies and calm their minds.
I was truly humbled at the end of our last class when one wonderful Yogi baked the class vegan-friendly blackcurrant crumble bars and lemon slices! The crumbles were delicious! Another lovely yogi bought me some wonderful beauty gifts to say thanks for introducing her to Yoga. Such kind, thoughtful offerings. I am truly grateful for our Sunday mornings together
I love my Friday nights at the moment – teaching a sweaty, power Yoga based class at the gym, singing my heart out in my car as I rush back to my local Yoga class afterwards, giggling along and relaxing with them and then coming home for some well-earned food and a nice hot bath! It was wonderful to see some new Friday Yogis come along on Good Friday – it would be great to see this class’s numbers grow.
I am feeling very inspired by my Yoga teaching right now. I had the privilege of attending a wonderful Yoga retreat last Friday, which involved 3 chakra themed Yoga classes, sleeping in a Yurt, eating delicious vegan food, rainy walks and chats in a hot tub, all alongside 10 wonderful ladies. This really has inspired me to start looking into setting up some Yoga events/retreats of my own – especially as I love planning parties and bringing people together! If anyone has any ideas/suggestions then do let me know!
I spent the whole of Good Friday planning lots of new Yoga sequences, meditations, breathing activities and class themes for my upcoming classes. I can’t wait to share these with my yogis! I have had to get a little more organised with my class planning as, due to teaching 5 classes a week, I was starting to forget which sequences I had done with which students! I have now set up a planner that logs what sequences I teach and when, kind of like my school lesson planner, so I can keep on top of everything!
I think the true highlight of this month had to be the kind, thoughtful words one of my Yogis left as a review on my Facebook page. How wonderful of her to take the time to share her thoughts. I am so glad that Yoga is having such a positive effect on her well-being. What a wonderful journey this is.